The CoSY Gang…CoSY simply means Church of Scotland Youth, and it’s our name for Sunday School.
Here at St. Andrew’s in the Grange we believe that the development of friendship and community among our young people is very important. Our CoSY Gang may not be large, but this means that every young person is noticed and that no-one gets left out of the fun…and anyway, what it lacks in size it more than makes up for in enthusiasm.
The CoSY Gang is for anyone aged between 3 and 12 years and covers a wide range of activities during the time they spend together. The young folk and their families and friends meet in the Upper Room during term time for the Wee Service - a half hour of informal worship for anyone and everyone which includes a light breakfast.
We often use the ROOTS programme – a joint Churches’ initiative, supported by Churches Together in Britain and Ireland, which promotes worship and learning for the whole church family; and with this in mind, when our programme permits it, on last Sunday of October, November, January, February, March, April and May our Morning Worship is for All-ages.
We also offer a Crèche facility at 10.30am during morning Worship where babies and small children up to the age of 3 are welcome.
Safeguarding Coordinator
Ethel Robb is the safeguarding coordinator and should be the first point of contact for any safeguarding issues. Ethel can be contacted in confidence via Telephone on +44 (0) 01481 264559.